Lux outdoor mirror wall
€ 7.900,52 – € 10.269,21
(Price/Global value)
Lux outdoor mirror wall 15 or 20m long x 1,75m high, including frame (other measures available). Safety mirrors with 6mm-thickness, 20mm insulation and marine plywood backing with 2 layers of wood stain. Mirrors with a single frame in laminated wood measuring 8 x 12cm. It includes a double galvanized steel support structure and specific concreted ground anchors for fixing the mirror wall to the ground. The wall of mirrors is tilt-adjustable. The price doesn't include assembly costs.
- Produto sujeito à disponibilidade em stock
- O preço apresentado não inclui o transporte, entrega e/ou montagem
- O preço não inclui IVA. Caso o produto fornecido envolva a instalação por parte da Equiapara e sendo faturado a uma empresa portuguesa sujeita passiva de IVA, poderá ser faturado com IVA autoliquidado.
- Product subject to stock availability
- All the prices do not include transport, delivery and/or assembly
- The price does not include VAT. If the product supplied involves installation by Equiapara and is invoiced to a Portuguese company subject to VAT, it may be invoiced with “IVA autoliquidado”.