Stability fibres Equiapara Top



Equiapara Top stability fibres consist on a mixture of several types of fibres, all synthetic origin, providing exceptionally secure footing and energy return in already existing riding surfaces. They help to create a “effect offering greater stability, allowing the horses to work on the surface, providing greater stability to loose floorings“. For surfaces that easily become compact, fibres provide greater elasticity and cushioned impact. They are sold in bales of approximately 300Kg.

  • Produto sujeito à disponibilidade em stock
  • O preço apresentado não inclui o transporte, entrega e/ou montagem
  • O preço não inclui IVA. Caso o produto fornecido envolva a instalação por parte da Equiapara e sendo faturado a uma empresa portuguesa sujeita passiva de IVA, poderá ser faturado com IVA autoliquidado.
  • Product subject to stock availability
  • All the prices do not include transport, delivery and/or assembly
  • The price does not include VAT. If the product supplied involves installation by Equiapara and is invoiced to a Portuguese company subject to VAT, it may be invoiced with “IVA autoliquidado”.