Data Protection

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On this site you may find links to other sites. Please note that we have no influence over or responsibility for the content and design of these sites. We cannot therefore be held responsible for the updating or quality of the information provided by these sites.

Management of information and communications from EQUIAPARA, LDA?

If the user has subscribed to any automated sending of information or communication from EQUIAPARA, LDA or its websites, they may, at any time, stop receiving all or part of the information. To let EQUIAPARA, LDA know of your choice, simply send an e-mail to equiapara@equiapara.com .

Contact details EQUIAPARA, LDA

NIF: 504 293 265
Address: Rua Carlos Relvas, n.º 24, 2150-136 Golegã.
E-mail: equiapara@equiapara.com
General contact: +351 249 976 331(Monday to Friday, 10 am to 6 pm)

Privacy and cookies policy

EQUIAPARA, LDA complies with all legislation regarding the protection of consumers’ privacy and personal data. If you would like to know more about the processing of your data and your rights in this area, please consult the EQUIAPARA, LDA Privacy Policy.

We use cookies on our website, both our own and those of third parties, to ensure proper functioning, continuously offer the best browsing experience, carry out usage analysis, recommend content based on your preferences, display advertisements on other websites that may be of interest to you and facilitate interaction on social networks. You can choose the cookies you allow in manage preferences.

For more information, see our Cookie Policy.

Use and reproduction of information

All information consisting of texts, images, videos, designs and online tools are the property of EQUIAPARA, LDA. All the content of this site and other sites operated by EQUIAPARA, LDA is protected by the applicable Portuguese and European legislation, particularly in the area of copyright and related rights, and intellectual property rights, and may not be used, outside the conditions of free use permitted by law, without the express written consent of EQUIAPARA, LDA.

EQUIAPARA, LDA prohibits the reproduction and quotation of its articles, as well as reference to its name for direct and/or indirect commercial purposes without its express permission.

Articles published online may only be reproduced for non-commercial or non-advertising purposes, provided the source and date of publication are mentioned. If an article is reproduced online, it must also contain a link to the EQUIAPARA, LDA website – https://www.equiapara.com

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Unless otherwise indicated, all brands featured on this site are registered trademarks, and this applies in particular to model names and corporate logos.

Any reproduction, even partial, is only permitted with written permission.